6 Interesting Communication Facts (You Should Know)

6 Interesting Communication Facts (You Should Know)

Communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more parties. In this process, one party transmits a message by using a medium, and the other party receives the message. In the communication process, information flows from sender to receiver.

Communication is pervaded in every facet of human life. By crying loudly, newborn babies convey the news of their arrival in the world. Communication plays an important role in personal life, family life, social life, business life, and so on. The development of relationships, cultures, civilizations, etc., both at the micro and macro level, depends on effective communication.

6 universal facts about communication are;

  1. Communication Is Related To Every Human Activity.
  2. Communication Involves Two or More Parties.
  3. Communication May Be a One-Way or Two-Way Process.
  4. The success of Communication Depends On Proper Understanding of the Parties Involved.
  5. Communication in an Organization Flows in Various Patterns.
  6. Communication Is Media or Channel Based

The nature of communication is discussed below:

1. Communication Is Related To Every Human Activity

Communication is closely linked to every sphere of human life. It is essential in leading a meaningful human life.

Communication is necessary for enjoying a peaceful life, developing person-to-person relationships, building a prosperous state, and other activities.

2. Communication Involves Two or More Parties

At least, two parties are involved in any communication process. The party who sends information is called the sender and the party who receives the information is called a receiver.

However, in some cases, a sender can send the message to a large number of receivers.

3. Communication May Be a One-Way or Two-Way Process

Communication can take the shape of a two-way or one-way process. In two-way communication, the receiver sends his feedback to the sender after receiving the message.

One-way communication refers to the flow of information from a sender to the receiver only. In this process of communication, the receiver does not convey his reaction to the sender.

4. The success of Communication Depends On Proper Understanding of the Parties Involved

Effective communication occurs when the receiver perceives the message in the way the sender sends it.

If the receiver does not send his reaction to the sender, the sender will not understand the receiver’s view. In this case, communication will be ineffective.

Therefore, to make the communication successful, both the sender and receiver must know each other’s reactions.

5. Communication in Organization Flows in Various Patterns

In an organization, information flows in various directions, such as upward direction, downward direction, horizontal direction, etc.

6. Communication Is Media or Channel Based

Every human communication occurs by using a particular medium. The media may be written, oral, and non-verbal, or a combination of verbal and non-verbal media.

In light of the above discussion and definitions, Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another person. It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings, and values.