10 Components of Learning

Components of Learning

Learning takes place if an individual behaves, reacts, and responds in a way that is taken from others as a result of experiences. Generally, learning can be defined as the relatively permanent change in behavior potential resulting from reinforced practice or experience. It can change our behavior.

By birth, every people learns from his environment. On the other hand, knowledge or skill gained through schooling or study is also called learning. Learning has many components.

Learning involves change

Change may be good or bad from an organizational point of view. People can learn unfavorable behaviors to hold prejudices or to restrict their output.

Learning ingrains the change.

The change must be ingrained. Temporary changes may be only reflexive and may not represent learning. Therefore the requirement is that learning must be relatively permanent in nature.

Learning requires experience.

Some form of experience is necessary for learning. Experience may be acquired directly through observation or practice, or it may be acquired indirectly, such as through reading.

Learning involves concentration and participation.

Learning usually is quicker and long-lasting when the learner participates actively. As a result of participation, people learn more quickly and retain that learning longer.

Learning is not concerned with a specific place.

Learning does not occur in a specific place like in a classroom. It is informal and can be acquired anywhere, at any time.

Learning is not time limited.

There is no specific time for learning. A person can learn different things in his total lifetime.

Learning concerned with a person’s behavior

Learning is concerned with behavior. A change in an individual’s thought processes or attitudes, if not accompanied by a change in behavior, would not be learning.

Learning creates deeper connections.

Learners benefited more from constructing deep explanations of the material than memorizing the facts. If there is no explanation for learning, then learning will be difficult for learners.

Learning has multiple paths.

There are multiple ways to learn things. But the learner should know which is the best learning method and select this one.

Learning requires feedback

It is related to frequent feedback which learners should get from instructors and peers throughout the learning process.

Without it, even well-learned abilities will go away. Ewell emphasizes that the feedback will be most effective if it is delivered in an enjoyable setting involving personal interactions and considerable support.


Learning is activity and experience. It is a reflection upon experience. It is making connections and finding patterns.

It is the consequence of being involved in some valued activity in culture. As such, it is a byproduct of participation in cultural activity, not the direct product of some study of facts about the world.

Though there are specific times and places for learning, people try to learn new things and apply those things in reality. A lot of our learning occurs randomly throughout life, from new experiences, gaining information, and from our perceptions.

For example: reading a newspaper or watching a news broadcast, talking with a friend or colleague, having chance meetings, and having unexpected experiences.