Applied Research: Definition, Examples

What is Applied Research?

The pursuit of information that can be directly applied to practice is aptly known as applied research. Applied research aims to determine the applicability of theory and principles by testing hypotheses within specific settings.

What is Applied Research?

Researchers in this field try to find immediate solutions to problems facing society, an industrial or business organization.

The approach is much more useful as it strives to find information that will directly influence practice.

People cannot foresee the future well enough to predict what will develop from basic research. If we only did apply research, we would still be making better spears.

The needs of social action inspire applied research. It aims at finding a practical solution for an immediate problem of the society making optimal use of the available resources.

The problem-solving nature of applied research is conducted to reveal answers to specific questions related to action, performance, or policy needs.

In contrast to pure research, applied research entails large-scale studies with subsequent data collection problems.

Applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge’s sake.

One might legitimately say that applied research aims to improve human conditions. For example, applied researchers may investigate ways and means to:

  • Improve agricultural crop production;
  • Treat or cure a specific disease;
  • Improve the energy efficiency of homes, offices, or modes of transportation;
  • Suggest innovative and modified methods of measurement in any specific investigation.

Some scientists feel that the time has come for a shift in emphasis away from purely basic research toward applied research for the sake of the human population.

This trend, they feel, is necessitated by the problems resulting from global overpopulation, pollution, and the overuse of the earth’s natural resources.

In recent years, applied research, under the banner of operations research, has extensive applications in health and family planning programs to identify problems and design and evaluate policies and programs that will deliver the most significant benefit at an affordable cost.

In social sciences, research is often a mixture of both basic and applied; some stages of a study may have a basic flavor, while others may be more applied.

Examples of Applied Research

Example #1

Eclampsia is a major cause of maternal mortality in Bangladesh.

From the clinical observations in Bangladesh and elsewhere, it is observed that the early cesarean section may nullify the violent effect of this grave disease.

To date, no such study has been undertaken in our country. It is proposed that a comparative study between Caesarean section and Vaginal delivery in Eclamsia be undertaken.

The study will help to reduce maternal and prenatal mortality considerably and thus improve our health status.

Example #2

It has been observed that in Bangladesh, the proportion of women who are delivered through Caesarean section is very high.

It is suspected that a small height is one of the risk factors for difficult deliveries. A study may, therefore, be conducted to verify if this proposition is true.

Example #3

Ethnic minority businesses are in existence in many parts of the world. Their effort to enter business is often explained as an essential alternative to earning and maintaining their livelihood.

Afro-Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi settlers in Britain comprise a majority of the ethnic business communities.

These ethnic business entrepreneurs face various problems that inhibit their business development and activities.

Many organizations and services were developed to redress the small enterprise sectors in Britain.

Hakim (1994) undertook a study to identify the awareness and uses of different kinds of services by Bangladeshi ethnic entrepreneurs covering available advisory services and sources of assistance in Britain.

Based on his study findings, the author concluded that Bangladeshi ethnic entrepreneurs were not sufficiently aware of the advisory services and assistance provided by different organizations.

Those who were aware did not fully utilize these services. The author then made several recommendations for favorable action by the concerned authority.

Example #4

In the adventure travel survey in a US county, the managers of a group of county river basin outfitters wanted to know how to increase customers’ satisfaction and repeat business for their multi-day river trips.

They wanted to make their business more predictable and profitable.

To achieve their goals, they applied consumer research with several river­outfitting companies to help answer questions of interest to managers.

Traditionally, basic research was considered an activity that preceded applied research, which preceded development into practical applications.

Recently, these distinctions have become much less clear-cut, and it is sometimes the case that all stages will intermix.

This is particularly the case in fields such as biotechnology and electronics, where fundamental discoveries may be made alongside work intended to develop new products, and in areas where public and private sector partners collaborate to develop greater insight into key areas of interest.

Basic Research vs. Applied Research

Basic ResearchApplied Research
Basic research is sponsored by an agency or organization committed to the general advancement of knowledge.An agency sponsors applied research with a vested interest in the results.
Results in basic research are the property of society and the research community.Applied research results become the property of the sponsor.
Studies related to basic research rely on the established reputations of the researchers and are totally under their control.Studies related to applied research follow explicit terms of reference developed by the sponsor to serve the sponsor’s needs.
Budget allocations are generally based on global proposals, and accounting is left to the researchers.Budget accountability is directly related to the sponsor and agreed on terms of reference, time frames, and methodologies.
The conduct of research is based on ‘good faith’ between the funding agency and the researcher.In applied research, The work is contractual between sponsor and researcher.
The research produces findings and conclusions but rarely suggestions or recommendations except those related to further research needs.Applied research includes applied recommendations or suggestions for action leading to implementation.
Basic research tends to extend an identifiable scholarly discipline.By its nature, applied research tends to be interdisciplinary.
Basic research is typically focused on a single set of testable hypotheses.Contract research frequently analyzes the consequences of alternative policy options.
Decision rules relate to theoretically-based tests of statistical significance.Decision rules relate to predetermined conventions and agreements between the sponsor and the researcher.
Research reports are targeted at other specialized researchers in the same field.Research reports are intended to be read and understood by laypersons.
The driving goal is to contribute to basic theoretical knowledge.The driving goal is to have practical payoffs or use of results.
Success comes when results appear in a scholarly journal and impact others in the scientific community.Success comes when results are used by the sponsor/client in decision-making.

How does applied research differ from basic research in terms of its application?

While basic research gathers knowledge for the sake of knowledge and is driven by a scientist’s curiosity, applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world and has direct practical applications.

How does applied research contribute to the business sector?

In the business sector, applied research can help identify entrepreneurs’ awareness and usage of different services. For instance, a study was conducted to determine the awareness of advisory services among Bangladeshi ethnic entrepreneurs in Britain.

How is applied typically conducted in terms of its scale and data collection?

Applied research often entails large-scale studies, which can lead to subsequent data collection challenges.


After discussing applied research, you need to know about other types of research. Check out our comprehensive resource for further clarity with the in-depth Research and Research Methodology Concepts resources.

Applied research aims to determine the applicability of theory and principles by testing hypotheses within specific settings, focusing on finding immediate solutions to societal or organizational problems.

The driving goal of applied research is to have practical payoffs or use of results, ensuring that the findings are used by sponsors or clients in decision-making.

Applied research is inspired by the need for social action, aiming to find practical solutions for immediate societal problems while using available resources optimistically.