Approaches to Human Resource Management

Approaches to Human Resource Management

There are many different approaches to human resource management. HRM may be discussed from the different approaches. These approaches define HRM from different perspectives.

Strategic Approach

People are the strategic asset of an organization. People have core competencies, the basis of competitive advantage.

Human resources are the combination of talent and skills; some are inborn and other skills they have acquired through learning and education. The strategic HRM approach focuses on people management programs and long-term solutions.

It stresses organizational development interventions, achieving employee organizational fit, and other aspects that ensure employees add value.

Management Approach

HRM is a part of general management. Management is nothing but managing people in the workplace. Managers at all levels are responsible for managing their employees or subordinates.

Human Resource Approach

People are human beings with a lot of potential and intellectual abilities. It is important to treat people with respect and dignity.

Commodity Approach

People are a commodity. They are viewed as a cog of a machine. People can be hired and fired through money. It is money that matters most. There is a saying, “money is sweeter than honey.” This approach views people as economic men.

Proactive Approach

HR managers must anticipate the challenges or problems before they arise. Prevention is better than cure.

The proactive approach will save companies considerable time and money in the short and long run. P. F. Drucker (1997) rightly highlighted the importance of a proactive approach.

He argues,” In a perfect world, every startup would take the proactive approach and build their company from the beginning by identifying not only the mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, etc.

But will determine where they want to go in the short and long-term and build a holistic, aligned organization beginning at the founder level where they can attract, hire, and retain the top talent to get them where they want to go.

Reactive Approach

It occurs when decision-makers respond to problems. If efforts are reactive only, problems may be compounded, opportunities may be missed, and organizations may suffer loss.

Companies may lose time and money if they take a reactive approach.

System Approach

A system is a set of interrelated but separate elements or parts working together for a common goal.

For example, HRM is a system that may have parts such as procurement, training, performance appraisal and reward, etc. One part affects and is affected by the other.