Management & Human Resource Management: Relationship & Differences

Management & Human Resource Management: Relationship & Differences

Human resources management is a part of the overall management process that involves planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the functions of procuring, developing, maintaining, and motivating a labor force.

HRM is a distinctive approach to employment management that seeks to achieve competitive advantage through strategically deploying a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural, and personal techniques.

Relationship Between Management and Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management has become recognized as an inherent part of management concerned with human resources.

Its objective is to maintain better human relations in the organization by developing, applying, and evaluating policies, procedures, and programs relating to human resources to optimize their contribution to realizing organizational objectives.

In other words, HRM is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of people. It is an integral but distinctive part of management, concerned with people at work and their relationships within the enterprise.

HRM helps attain maximum individual development, desirable working relationships between employees and employers, employees and employees, and effective human resources modeling as contrasted with physical resources.

It is the organization’s recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation, and motivation of human resources.

Human resource management is a vital part of any smallest or largest enterprise. Fundamental activities of an organization’s employees or human resources must be managed effectively.

If these human resources are neglected or mismanaged, the organization is unlikely to do well and may fail.

From a positive standpoint, people (human resources) create organizations and make them survive and prosper.

Their efforts, talents, and skills in using other resources, such as knowledge, materials, and energy, resulting in the creation of successful products and services.

Employees are a critical factor in making an organization successful.

Further, the authority must be skillful in integrating human resources with other important resources, including finances and technology.

Human Resources Management is a broad concept referring to the philosophy, policies, procedures, and practices used in managing people throughout the organization.

In other words, it can say- human resources management is the systematic planning and control of a network of the fundamental organizational process affecting and involving all organization members.

These processes include human resources planning, job and work design, job analysis, staffing, training and development, performance appraisal and review, compensation and reward, employee protection and representation, and organization improvement.

To further control and refine these processes, systems are continuously planned, developed, and implemented by management, frequently with the help of non-management employees.

All managers are heavily involved in human resource management.

Typically, human resources management makes key policy decisions in human resources management jointly by the human resources directors and other top managers.

Further, the human resources department typically makes decisions on various personnel procedures (such as initial screening and referral).

In contrast, other managers make decisions at other steps in those procedures (such as making the final selection from among several qualified candidates).

Although this joint decision-making can lead to strains in the relationship, broad management participation in developing human resources policies will minimize these tensions.

The organization-wide impact of human resources management, coupled with the vital nature of the organizational processes involved.

Difference Between Management and Human Resource Management (HRM)

BasisManagementHuman Resource Management
1. DefinitionManagement is the process of forecasting and planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.Human resource management deals with employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, and development.
2. FunctionThe major functions of Management are planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.Major functions of HRM include recruitment, selection, placement, training and development, performance appraisal, etc.
3. PrincipleHenry Fayol identified 14 principles of Management. Division of Labor, Authority & Responsibility, Unity of Command, Unity of Direction, Order, Equity, Discipline, etc.Major principles of HRM are scientific selection, employee development, fair remuneration, the dignity of labor, team spirit, etc.
4. FatherHenry Fayol is known as the Father of Management.There is no recognized Father of HRM.
5. Major ContributorHenry Fayol, F. W. Taylor, Elton Mayo, etc., are the major contributors to Management.Gary Dessler, Decenzo & Robbins, Keith Davis, etc., are the major contributors to HRM.
6. ObjectiveTo achieve organizational objectives effectively.To utilize human resources effectively.
7. AreaManagement is a broader concept.HRM is narrower and a part of management.
ResponsibilityManagement has a social responsibility to the welfare of society.HRM has the responsibility for the welfare of the organization’s employees.
9. IntegrationManagement integrates Human, Physical and Financial Resources.HRM integrates Human resources only.
10. Skill RequiredConceptual, Technical, and Human skills.Human skills only.

Despite the differences in the definition and range of management, human resources management is vital to the total management process.