Training and Development: Similarities & Differences in HRM

Training and Development: Similarities & Differences in HRM

Development is a long-term educational process utilizing an organized and systematic procedure by which managerial personnel learns conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. It covers those activities that improve job performance and enhance an employee’s personality.

Development refers to teaching managers and professionals to increase the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed for both present and future jobs.

Koontz and Weihrich said, “Management development is the process a person makes in learning how to manage effectively.”

Dale Yoder said, “Management development is the process by which firms and agencies seek to develop managers.”

Main Differences Between Training and Development

Training is the process of teaching employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.Management development refers to teaching managers and professionals to increase the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed for future jobs.
Training is present-day oriented.Development is future-day oriented.
Training programs are arranged for employees.Development programs are arranged for executives.
It is a lower-level learning program.It is a higher-level learning program.
Training is imbibed to enhance much more skills and knowledge of the employees.Development is imbibed for enhancing specific skills and knowledge of the executives.
Skill level is changed through Training.The behavior level is changed through development.
Training is a narrower concept focused on job-related skills.Development is a broader concept focused on personality development.
Training is aimed at improving job-related efficiency and performance.The development aims at overall personal effectiveness, including job efficiencies.
Training refers only to instruction in technical and mechanical operations.Development refers to philosophical, theoretical, and educational concepts.
Training courses are typically designed for a short-term period.Development involves a broader education for long-term purposes.