11 Benefits of Online Courses

11 Benefits or Advantages of Taking Online Courses

Nowadays, everybody has invested in one online course to enhance their learning potential. And the reason is simple! These courses are as diverse and targeted towards our needs as any course directory.

Without these courses, you could never have imagined learning the art of cooking French cuisines in the comfort of your home, could you? The targeted efficiency of these courses is just one of many benefits of online courses. Read on to find out the 11 advantages or benefits of taking online courses.

What are the advantages or benefits of taking online courses?

  1. Online Course Offer Diversity
  2. Personal Development
  3. Focus on One Subject
  4. Decreased Social Interactions
  5. Feedback
  6. Diversity of People Involved
  7. Concentration
  8. Commute
  9. Transfer Credits
  10. Flexibility
  11. Affordable

1. Online Course Offer Diversity

Who knew ape-like Homo sapiens would be teaching and learning about an artificial object thinking and reasoning like a human over a connection similar to telepathic connections of ancient times?

But now, we can not only talk about artificial intelligence, but we can also play our role in educating these machines about our cognition and thinking process.

And not only artificial intelligence but thousands and millions of other subjects we can teach and learn online. We can learn about the ancient language that pharaohs had proudly displayed in their pyramids.

Or we can learn about dealing with Taijin Kyofusho if we are suffering from this Japan-specific anxiety disorder.

Heck! The internet is ready to teach the kids the right process of brushing teeth and eating cereal. There is no limit on the number of niches in which we can find fantastic courses online.

Information about every aspect of life is a few clicks and a solid commitment away from us.

2. Personal Development

This diversity translates into life-long learners’ commitment to constant growth in all areas of life.

Technical and career-based topics remained the top goal of education in past centuries. With the introduction of online courses, this trend is shifting.

Now people are more concerned about those learning resources which focus on improving their lifestyles and mindsets.

The biggest and most popular online academies, for example, have more than half their catalogs filled with self-development courses.

You can learn all the skills previously lied out of your family’s specialty.

So, if your family shied away from social interactions and had close to no leaders in the past ten generations, you will not feel intimidated by the thought of leading a multinational organization!

The reason behind your confidence is simple!

It will come only from the fact that now you can learn leadership skills through any one of hundreds of gurus ready to mentor you through these programs in an online class or individually.

3. Focus on One Subject

Despite the sheer diversity accompanying online learning experiences, this education channel allows concrete focus on subject matter to its students.

The two qualities may appear to oppose each other but are not mutually exclusive.

These courses allow you to choose one subject area and further break it down to the specific problem you are trying to solve.

For example, you can select real estate investment as your area of interest, and then you can niche down to learn all the tips and tricks of securing the best rental property investment deals.

The best part that comes with online courses, and is missing from traditional, one-to-one courses, is the focus of the course.

With the course mentioned above, you will not have to deal with and learn those aspects of real estate that have no input in rental property management.

An efficient course will give only relevant but complete and practical information which you can use to approach this investment area.

This fluff-less course outline means that the mentors and instructors are focused on a single solution.

You don’t need to skip some parts only to pass exams, nor can you leave any knowledge area untouched without jeopardizing the expected outcomes from this course.

The increased focus from the course outline translates into increased focus from the online student.

4. Decreased Social Interactions

Another benefit of these courses is the reduction it offers towards social interactions. The only social interaction in these courses comes as moderated discussion boards that seldom require human-to-human interaction among the students.

The only exception comes in purely interactive communication skills courses where the whole course community learns by communicating among themselves.

This reduction in social interaction is a gift for every student as it enhances the likelihood that they will remain committed to their studies.

But it’s especially beneficial for those students whose unique learning style encourages them to study alone rather than in group settings.

If you are that person who hides behind large books at the library to absorb your subject matter and find it challenging to keep the pace of study in group study sessions, you should consider switching to online courses.

And worry not! Talk about diversity! Most of the courses of sciences and art we study nowadays at university can easily be found in online academies.

5. Feedback

Different online courses offer different levels of involvement from instructors.

High-end courses are likely to include one-to-one coaching from the instructor or mentor, while more inexpensive versions reduce costs by offering self-study course tracks.

Even in those courses where the mentor’s involvement is negligible, strong supporting communities around the course help the students maintain their study pace.

These communities, mostly based on student-to-student support, are more helpful to some students as their peers have a better understanding of their issues.

Plus, these interactions also allow the students to benchmark their progress against their peers who started the course simultaneously. The competition is higher in most of these courses because one has to compete against students from all over the world.

This competition helps them enhance their focus without worrying about the competition in politics, fashion, and economic status at the university.

6. Diversity of People Involved

Online courses are a great alternative to interacting with people from varied backgrounds. In usual social media interactions, we may not get as personal to someone as we can get when we are studying together.

By sharing similar mindsets, needs, and problems across an online course, we open our friend list for further admissions.

When we interact with them on these specific issues, we are more likely to gain their interest and trust than when we are talking about general life and its issues.

In other words, through interaction over the online course, we are more likely to touch people’s lives for good because we understand, and align with, their area of interest.

You can benefit from this diversity event if you are not that student who wants to communicate with people from a myriad of backgrounds.

These interactions are mild and rare. You can decide how much you will interact with your fellow students to suit your needs and capacity.

At the same time, you will learn to include diversity in interactions in your comfort zone.

7. Concentration

With online courses, you can define your study path in the most convenient way. You can choose only those courses where you want to excel in life and your profession.

The exclusion of irrelevant courses and study areas increases our attention to the courses in which we are truly interested.

This increase in interest and perceived goal acquisition from the course enhances our focus on these courses multifold.

And when this increased focus on course structure combines with the reduced student-to-student interaction, one can only imagine its impact on the concentration of the individual.

8. Commute

If you study online, you don’t have to navigate to and from your university and school. All you need is a stable internet connection and an internet-activated device to keep you focused.

You can stay in your bed, sit at the dinner table, travel on the bus, and keep attached to your studies.

And don’t forget that you are free to catch up on your studies when you are out on nights of adventurous trips. Your course will go with you anywhere you wanna take it.

9. Transfer Credits

These courses come in handy for most students, especially if they are trying to speed up their learning process.

You can benefit from online courses to pursue while on summer vacations and other holidays. This way, you can either top up your study plan with extra skills, or you can catch up on those courses which you left in previous semesters.

Those students are especially lucky because universities offer them online classes over summer vacations.

But even those students of those universities who do not offer such vacation-based programs can enrich their academic progress with courses from other universities and get these credits transferred to their universities and enrolled courses.

10. Flexibility

There can be numerous reasons for you deciding to take an online course.

We can use these courses to strengthen our curriculum vitae. These courses can enhance our social and life skills. And we can utilize these learning experiences to advance in our academic lives.

Whatever the reason behind you taking the course, you can enjoy learning in any way that suits you most.

You can stick to playing one lecture at a time to attain the anticipated learning outcome.

Or, if you wish to deviate from this routine, you can free up shorter durations of your time to listen to smaller chunks of a single lecture. You are also free to accelerate your pace to catch up on previous delays by taking more than one lecture at a time.

Some courses, however, bind their students to stick to a prescribed schedule so the instructors can offer their valuable feedback on the progress of these students.

Still, the time of taking lectures mostly depends on the student.

11. Affordable

Let’s discuss the costs which are attached to traditional learning mechanisms and those related to online learning.

If we leave out the most inexpensive options on the planet for online courses, we will be left with thousands of dollars worth of extensive courses which offer a great learning experience, live mentorship, and guaranteed results.

In most cases, these thousand-dollar courses focus on a single skill or outcome.

What’s more, these courses come with a focused route that cuts the fluff off the learning experience.

What’s the result? The students get-to-the-point information that is highly applicable to their needs.

In short, online courses, even when they are categorized as high-end courses, are better for your financial health than their conventional counterparts.

Now let’s count a few other, often ignored, costs that are absent in online courses but disrupt our budget in in-person learning.

Let’s talk about the costs of commute and expenses of keeping up to date with the fashion trend. Oh, yes! I understand that fashion is not an issue confined to schools and universities.

Still, these institutes are the best places where fashion is born and dies.

Now think of the cost of social interactions with peers. The outings, parties, and social works that often makeup parts of a student’s life also make a significant part of his financial life.

Online courses help the student save on most of these costs.

Let’s see some of the top online learning services and their offers and price.

John Academy
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Has a 7-day free trial with affordable plans.


So, enrolling in and studying over the internet medium is an easy task for you. There can be various reasons for which you can take up an online course instead of conventional, in-person courses.

Maybe you are ready to further your knowledge and expertise, and an online course is the only way you can achieve your learning goals with the tight schedule you are living these days.

Or maybe, the course you are trying to take is not available at your location of residence, so you are thinking of taking a digital flight to meet the instructors and study under their guidance.

Or maybe, you are only interested in learning new things without adding names to your social circle. And an online course is the best option to keep you hidden from other students and sometimes instructors’ eyes.

Whatever the reasons are, be assured that online courses are just as effective and goal-oriented as conventional courses and university degrees.

These courses can be far more effective than university degrees, especially if you take them from widely acknowledged universities.

You can take and retake the same class and practice examinations anytime you want. So, don’t wait! The world of online learning is ready to serve you!