Formas de propriedade empresarial

Formas de propriedade empresarial
Do ponto de vista da propriedade, as organizações empresariais podem ser dos seguintes tipos;
  1. Propriedade individual.
  2. Parceria.
  3. Empresa.
  4. Sociedade Cooperativa.
  5. Empresa estatal.
Formas de propriedade empresarial

Propriedade individual

Uma sociedade unipessoal é uma empresa com fins lucrativos de propriedade de uma pessoa. O proprietário pode operar por conta própria ou contratar terceiros. O proprietário da empresa tem responsabilidade ilimitada pelas dívidas contraídas pela empresa.


Uma parceria é uma forma de negócio com fins lucrativos de propriedade de duas ou mais pessoas. Na maioria das formas de parceria, cada sócio tem responsabilidade ilimitada pelas dívidas contraídas pela empresa.


Uma empresa é uma empresa de responsabilidade limitada que possui personalidade jurídica separada de seus membros. The company can be either privately-owned or government-owned, and privately the owned companies can organize either for-profit or not-for-profit. A privately-owned, for-profit company can either be privately held or publicly held. A for-profit company’s shareholders elect a board of directors to direct the corporation and hire its managerial staff.

Sociedade Cooperativa

Often’ referred to as a “co-op,” a cooperative is a limited-liability business that can be organized for-profit or not-for-profit. A for-profit cooperative differs from a for-profit corporation in that it has members, as opposed to shareholders, who share decision-making authority. Cooperatives are typically classified as either consumer cooperatives or worker cooperatives. As cooperativas são fundamentais para a ideologia da democracia económica.

Empresa Estatal ou Empresa Governamental

Geralmente, uma empresa de propriedade do estado é conhecida como empresa estatal, empresa estatal ou empresa governamental.Para a expansão dos negócios, a rápida industrialização e desenvolvimento, e para eliminar o monopólio individual e estabelecer o interesse público e a propriedade, o Estado interfere no sector empresarial.

Considerações na escolha da forma de propriedade

A seguir estão algumas considerações que todo empreendedor deveria revisar antes de escolher a forma de propriedade.
  1. Considerações fiscais

Devido às taxas de imposto graduadas sob cada forma de propriedade, às constantes mudanças no código tributário e às flutuações anuais na renda de uma empresa, um empresário deve calcular a fatura tributária da empresa sob cada propriedade a cada ano.
  1. Exposição de responsabilidade

Certain forms of ownership offer business owners greater protection from personal liability due to financial problems, faulty products, and a host of other difficulties. Entrepreneurs must weigh the potential for legal and financial liabilities for their company’s obligations.
  1. Requisitos de capital inicial e futuro

Forms of ownership differ in their ability to raise start-up capital. Depending on how much capital an entrepreneur needs and where she plans to get it, some forms are better than others. Also, as a business grows, it’s capital requirements increase, and some forms of ownership make it easier to attract financing from outsiders.
  1. Ao controle

By choosing certain forms of ownership, an entrepreneur automatically gives up some control over the business. Entrepreneurs must decide early on how much control they are willing to sacrifice in exchange for help from other people in building a successful business.
  1. Capacidade gerencial

Entrepreneurs must assess their own ability to manage their companies. If they lack skills or experience in certain areas, they may need to select a form of ownership that allows them to bring the company people who possess those skills and experience.
  1. Metas de negócios

How big and how profitable an entrepreneur plans for the business to become will influence the form of ownership chosen. Business often switches forms of ownership as they grow, but moving from some formats to others can be extremely complex and expensive. For instance, business owners wanting to switch from a corporation to a limited liability company face daunting liabilities under current tax laws. That conversion gets taxed as though the entire company was liquidated or sold off.
  1. Custo de formação

Some forms of ownership are much more costly and involved to create than others. Entrepreneurs must carefully weigh the benefits and the costs of the particular form they choose, bearing in mind the financial implications of each.
  1. Sucessão de Gestão

When choosing a form of ownership, business owners must look ahead to the day when they will pass their ventures on to the next generation or a buyer. Some forms of ownership make this transition much Consideration of the above factors would lead the prospective entrepreneur to the right choice in the arena of business.