Comercio Exterior: Definición, Tipos de Comercio Exterior

Comercio Exterior: Definición, Tipos de Comercio Exterior
Definición de comercio exteriorForeign trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP). Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the international trade system. Increasing international trade is crucial to the continuance of globalization. International trade is a major source of economic revenue for any nation that is considered a world power. Without international trade, nations would be limited to the goods and services produced within their borders.

¿Qué es el Comercio Exterior?

Foreign trade is the exchange of goods across national boundaries. Prof. J.L. Hanson said, “An exchange of various specialized commodities and services rendered among the corresponding countries is known as foreign trade.” Foreign trade is, in principle, not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade does not change fundamentally depending on whether a trade is across a border or not. The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly than domestic trade. The reason is that a border typically imposes additional costs such as tariffs, time costs due to border delays, and costs associated with country differences such as language, the legal system, or a Diferente cultura. Foreign trade is all about imports and exports. The backbone of any foreign trade between nations is those products and services which are being traded to some other location outside a particular country’s borders. Some nations are adept at producing certain products at a cost-effective price. Perhaps it is because they have the labor supply or abundant natural resources which make up the raw materials needed. No matter what the reason, the ability of some nations to produce what other nations want is what makes foreign trade work.

Tipos de Comercio Exterior

Tipos de Comercio Exterior
  1. Importar

Importar es la compra de bienes o servicios fabricados en otro país. Por ejemplo, importar aceite comestible de productores chinos para venderlo en África.
  1. Exportar

Exportar es vender productos de fabricación nacional en otro país. Por ejemplo, Hameem Garments exporta productos Readymade Garments (RMG) a países occidentales.
  1. Reexportar

When goods are imported from a foreign country and are re-exported to buyers in some other foreign countries, it is called re-export. For example, Firm/ Readymade Garments located at EPZs imports raw materials (cotton) from Korea and produces Readymade Garments products by Thai cotton and then those products to Canada.

Razones/Necesidad/Importancia/Ventajas del Comercio Exterior

Los siguientes puntos explican la necesidad y la importancia del comercio exterior para una nación.
  1. División del trabajo y especialización

Foreign trade leads to the division of labor and specialization at the world level. Some countries have abundant natural resources. They should export raw materials and import finished goods from countries which are advanced in skilled manpower. This gives benefits to all the countries and thereby leading to the división del trabajo y especialización.
  1. Asignación y utilización óptima de los recursos

Due to specialization, unproductive lines can be eliminated, and wastage of resources avoided. In other words, resources are canalized for the production of only those goods, which would give the highest returns. Thus there is rational allocation and utilization of resources at the international level due to foreign trade.
  1. Igualdad de precios

Los precios pueden estabilizarse mediante el comercio exterior. Ayuda a mantener estable la posición de la oferta y la demanda, lo que a su vez estabiliza los precios, teniendo en cuenta el transporte y otros gastos de marketing.
  1. Disponibilidad de múltiples opciones

El comercio exterior ayuda a ofrecer mejores opciones a los consumidores. Ayuda a poner a disposición de los consumidores de todo el mundo nuevas variedades.
  1. Garantiza calidad y productos estándar

Foreign trade is highly competitive. To maintain and increase the demand for goods, the exporting countries have to keep up the quality of goods. Thus quality and standardized goods are produced.
  1. Eleva el nivel de vida del pueblo

Imports can facilitate the standard of living of the people. This is because people can have a choice of new and better varieties of goods and services. By consuming new and better varieties of goods, people can improve their standard of living.
  1. Generar Oportunidades de Empleo

Foreign trade helps in generating employment opportunities by increasing the mobility of labor and resources. It generates direct employment in the import sector and indirect employment in other sectors of the economy. Such as Industry, Service Sector (insurance, bancario, transporte, comunicaciones), etc.
  1. Facilitar el desarrollo económico

Las importaciones facilitan el desarrollo económico de una nación. Esto se debe a que, con la importación de bienes de capital y tecnología, un país puede generar crecimiento en todos los sectores de la economía, la agricultura, la industria y el sector de servicios.
  1. Asistencia durante calamidades naturales

During natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, famines, etc., the affected countries face the problem of shortage of essential goods. Foreign trade enables a country to import food grains and medicines from other countries to help the affected people.
  1. Mantiene la posición de la balanza de pagos

Every country has to maintain its balance of payment position. Since every country has to import, which results in an outflow of foreign exchange, it also deals in export for the inflow of foreign exchange.
  1. Aporta reputación y ayuda a ganar buena voluntad

A country which is involved in exports earns goodwill in the international market. For example, Japan has earned a lot of goodwill in foreign markets due to its exports of quality electronic goods.
  1. Promueve la paz mundial

Foreign trade brings countries closer. It facilitates the transfer of technology and other assistance from developed countries to developing countries. It brings different countries closer due to economic relations arising out of trade agreements. Thus, foreign trade creates a friendly atmosphere for avoiding wars and conflicts. It promotes world peace as such countries try to maintain friendly relations among themselves.

Características del Comercio Exterior (Exportación/Importación)

  1. Dependencia de las importaciones (el comercio exterior de nuestro país depende de las importaciones debido a la alta demanda y la baja oferta),
  2. Importar bienes de capital y bienes industriales,
  3. Exportación de prendas confeccionadas (RMG), RMG y Exportación de prendas de punto 74%,
  4. Exportación de materias primas y productos agrícolas,
  5. Balanza de pagos desfavorable (más importaciones pero menos exportaciones),
  6. Operar la mayoría de los negocios por mar/océano,
  7. Más importaciones desde Asia (China, Singapur, India) y exportaciones a países occidentales (EE.UU., Inglaterra),
  8. Iniciación y control gubernamentales (por parte de TCB y EPB, los gobiernos controlan el comercio exterior y operan iniciativas útiles),
  9. Exportación de yute y productos de yute,
  10. Exportación de mano de obra,
  11. Iniciativa privada,
  12. Diversidad de bienes de importación (bienes necesarios y bienes lujosos innecesarios).
  13. Efecto de la economía de libre comercio (para una economía de mercado abierta, se importan artículos lujosos innecesarios a nuestro país y el dinero de nuestro país se va a otro país)
  14. Negocios con todos los países.