16 مصدرًا للأفكار الجديدة لرواد الأعمال

16 مصدرًا للأفكار الجديدة لرواد الأعمال
The entrepreneurial idea is a feasible, financially sound, technically possible, and socially acceptable idea of a project or product that may have utility lo perspective customers. No one can come up with an idea and, in the very first instance, convert it into a business opportunity and start a small business on that basis. The majority of good business opportunities do not come suddenly. It comes from an established mechanism to generate many ideas so that at least one idea has the potential for a business opportunity. It requires a series of steps to finalize it into a profitable business. This is the first step in idea generation and evaluation. 16 مصدرًا للأفكار الجديدة لرواد الأعمال يستخدم رواد الأعمال في جميع أنحاء العالم المصادر التالية للاستفادة منها لتحديد الأفكار الجيدة:
  1. عملاء

Prospective customers know best what they want and the habits/tastes that will be popular shortly. New product or service ideas may come from customers’ reactions to the present product and the expected product idea. Contacts with prospective consumers can also reveal the features that should be built into a product or service. The attention to the customers can take the form of informally monitoring potential ideas and needs or formally arranging surveys among prospective customers. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the idea or need represents a large enough market to support a new venture.
  1. المنظمة القائمة

Competing products and services of existing organizations and evaluation thereof is a successful source of new ideas. Frequently, this analysis uncovers ways to improve on these offerings, resulting in a new product that has more market appeal. The analysis of profitability and break-even level of various industries or organizations indicate promising investment opportunities which are profitable and relatively risk-free. An examination of the capacity utilization of various industries provides information about the potential for further investment.
  1. قنوات التوزيع

Member of the distribution channels; intermediaries, transient customer preference, and possible expectations may be a good business idea. Not only do channel members frequently have suggestions for completely new products, but they can also help in marketing the entrepreneur’s newly developed products.
  1. حكومة

The government can be a source of new product ideas in many ways. First, the files of the Patent Office contain numerous new product possibilities. They can suggest other more marketable new product ideas. Secondly, new product ideas can respond to government regulations, industrial policy, investment guidelines, annual plan, Five-year plan, etc. Thirdly, several government agencies nowadays assist entrepreneurs in discovering evaluating business ideas. Fourthly, يمكن للمطبوعات الحكومية المتعلقة بالتجارة والصناعة أن تساعد أيضًا في وضع أفكار مشاريع جديدة.
  1. المؤسسات المالية ووكالات التنمية

كما تقدم هذه المنظمات مشاريع جاهزة وتقدم اقتراحات لرواد الأعمال المحتملين الذين يساعدون في تحديد المشاريع الواعدة. صندوق المؤسسات المالية لتنمية المجتمع, إدارة الأعمال الصغيرة, مكتب الدعوة, غرفة التجارة الأمريكية, إدارة التنمية الاقتصادية, مجلس الأعمال الصغيرة وريادة الأعمال, لجنة مجلس النواب للأعمال التجارية الصغيرة، والعديد من الهيئات الأخرى في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تعمل على تحسين ريادة الأعمال والشركات الصغيرة.
  1. البحث والتطوير

The entrepreneur’s own “research and development” is the largest source of new ideas. It may be a more formal endeavor connected with one’s current employment or an informal laboratory in the private premises. Formal institutional research and development are often better equipped, enabling the entrepreneur to conceptualize and develop successful new product ideas. But many amazing product ideas have come from informal research endeavors at the private level.
  1. المعارض التجارية، المعارض مساعدة المعارض

These sources display new products and innovations in processes and services. An innovative entrepreneur can get product ideas to adapt or modify and produce with indigenous materials and technology.
  1. مجموعات التركيز

Focus groups are good sources of product ideas. A moderator leads a group of people through an open, in-depth discussion rather than simply asking questions to solicit participant response; for a new product area, the moderator focuses the group’s discussion in either a directive or a nondirective manner. The group of 8 to 14 participants is stimulated by comments from other group members to conceptualize and develop a new product idea to fulfill market needs. This is an excellent method for initially screening ideas and concepts too.
  1. العصف الذهني

The brainstorming method for generating new product ideas is based on the fact that people can be stimulated to greater creativity by meeting with others and participating in organized group experiences. This method would be effective if the effort focuses on a specific product or market area. The following four rules should be followed when using this method:
  1. لا يسمح بأي انتقاد من قبل أي شخص في المجموعة – لا توجد تعليقات سلبية.
  2. يتم تشجيع الحركة الحرة - كلما كانت الفكرة أكثر تنوعًا، كلما كان ذلك أفضل.
  3. كمية الأفكار المرغوبة - كلما زاد عدد الأفكار، زاد احتمال ظهور أفكار مفيدة.
  4. يتم تشجيع دمج الأفكار وتحسينها - فلا يزال بإمكان أفكار الآخرين إنتاج فكرة جديدة أخرى.
يجب أن تكون جلسة العصف الذهني ممتعة، دون أن يسيطر أحد على المناقشة أو يديرها.
  1. طريقة المفكرة الجماعية

In the collective notebook method, a small notebook that easily it’s in a pocket, containing a statement of the problem, blank pages, and any pertinent background data, is distributed. Participants consider the problem and its possible solutions, recording ideas at least once but preferably three times a day. At the end of the month, a list of the best ideas is developed, along with any suggestions.
  1. طريقة الاستدلال

Heuristics relies on the entrepreneur’s ability to discover through a progression of thoughts, insights, and learning. The technique is probably used more than imagined because entrepreneurs frequently must settle for an estimated outcome of a decision rather than a certainty. One specific heuristic approach is called the heuristic ideation technique (HTT). The technique involves locating all relevant concerts – that could be associated with a given product area and generating a set of all possible combinations of ideas. Value analysis Method: The value analysis technique develops methods for maximizing value to the entrepreneur and the new venture. It is a method for developing a new idea by evaluating the worth of aspects of ideas. Under this technique, regularly scheduled times are established to develop, evaluate, and refine ideas.
  1. طريقة قائمة المراجعة

A new idea is developed through a lot of related issues or suggestions. The entrepreneur can use the list of questions or statements to guide the direction of developing entirely new ideas or concentrating on specific “idea” areas. The checklist may take any form and be of any length. One general checklist is :
  • ضع في استخدامات أخرى؟ طرق جديدة للاستخدام كما هي؟ استخدامات أخرى إذا تم تعديلها؟
  • يتكيف؟ ما هو مثل هذا؟ ما هي الأفكار الأخرى التي يقترحها هذا؟ هل يقدم الماضي التوازي؟ ما الذي يمكنني نسخه؟ من يمكنني تقليده؟
  • يُعدِّل؟ تطور جديد؟ تغير المعنى، الحامض، الحركة، الرائحة، الشكل، الشكل؟ تغييرات أخرى؟
  • تكبير؟ ماذا لو أضفت؟ مزيد من الوقت؟ تردد أكبر؟ أقوى؟ أكبر؟ أكثر سمكا؟ قيمة اضافية؟ بالإضافة إلى العنصر؟ ينسخ؟ تتضاعف؟ مبالغة؟
  • تصغير؟ ما البديل؟ الأصغر؟ تكثف؟ مصغر؟ أدنى؟ أقصر؟ ولاعة؟ حذف؟ انسيابية؟ إنفصل؟ قللت؟
  • بديل؟ من آخر بدلا من ذلك؟ ماذا بدلا من ذلك؟ عنصر آخر؟ مواد أخرى؟ عملية أخرى؟ قوة أخرى؟ اماكن اخرى؟ طرق أخرى؟ نغمات صوتية أخرى؟
  • إعادة ترتيب؟ مكونات التبادل؟ نمط آخر؟ تخطيطات أخرى." تسلسلات أخرى؟ تبديل السبب والنتيجة؟ تغيير الاتفاق؟ جدول التغيير؟
  • يعكس؟ تبديل الإيجابية والسلبية؟ ماذا عن الأضداد؟ تحويله إلى الوراء؟ تحويلها رأسا على عقب؟ عكس الأدوار؟ تغيير الأحذية؟ الأقراص الدوارة؟ تحويل الخدين الأخرى؟
  • يجمع؟ ماذا عن الانحناء، أو السبائك، أو التشكيلة، أو المجموعة؟ الجمع بين الوحدات؟ الجمع بين الأغراض؟ الجمع / الاستئناف؟ الجمع بين الأفكار؟
  1. طريقة سينيكستكس

Synectic is a creative process that forced individuals to solve problems through four analogy mechanisms: ‘ personal, direct, symbolic, and fantasy. A group works through a two-step process. The first step is to make the strange familiar. Through generalizations or models, this involves consciously reversing the order of things and putting the problem into a readily acceptable or familiar perspective, thereby eliminating the strangeness. Once the strangeness is eliminated, participants engage in the second step, making the familiar strange through personal, direct, or—symbolic analogy, which ideally results in a unique solution being developed.
  1. نهج الحلم

The big dream approach to coming up with a new idea requires that the entrepreneur dreams about the problem and. Its solution- thinking big. Every possibility should be recorded and investigated without regard to all the negatives involved or the resources required. In other words, ideas should be conceptualized without any constraints until an idea is developed into a workable form.
  1. تحليل فجوة السوق

Market gap analysis is a powerful method used to uncover areas in the market in which the needs and wants far exceed the supply. This method has a hopper or gathering effect of converting everyday information into bunches of lucrative product and service gaps that few have thought of before.
  1. طريقة تحليل نمط الحياة

Entrepreneurs can use lifestyle analysis effusively for product-service ideas. Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living expressed in his or her psychographics (Kotler and Armstrong. 181:2001). It involves measuring consumers’ major activities (work, hobbies, shopping, sports, social events), interests (food, fashion, family, recreation), and opinions (about themselves, social issues, business, products). The lifestyle analysis will help entrepreneurs understand new needs and want under the changed conditions. It will also reflect the changing consumer values that may be a good source of product-service ideas.