Análisis de ubicación empresarial: definición, objetivos, factores

Análisis de ubicación empresarial: definición, objetivos, factores
Location refers to the choice of region and the selection of a particular site for setting up a business or factory. But the choice is made only after considering the cost and benefits of different alternative sites. It is a strategic decision that cannot be changed once taken. If at all changed only at considerable loss, the location should be selected as per its requirements and circumstances. Each plant is a case in itself. A business person should try to attempt at the optimum or ideal location. An ideal location is one where the cost of the product is kept to a minimum, with a large market share, the least risk, and the maximum social gain. It is the place of maximum net advantage or which gives the lowest unit cost of production and distribution, for achieving this objective, this purpose.

¿Qué es el análisis de ubicación empresarial?

Location analysis is a dynamic process where entrepreneur analyses and compares the appropriateness or otherwise of alternative sites to select the best site for a given enterprise. It consists of the following: Análisis de ubicación empresarial
  1. Análisis demográfico

Implica el estudio de la población de la zona en términos de población total (en nº), composición por edades, ingreso per cápita, nivel educativo, estructura ocupacional, etc.
  1. Análisis del área comercial

Es un análisis del área geográfica que proporciona clientela continua a la empresa. También vería la viabilidad de acceder a la zona comercial desde sitios alternativos.
  1. Análisis competitivo

Ayuda a juzgar la naturaleza, ubicación, tamaño y calidad de la competencia en un área comercial determinada.
  1. Análisis de tráfico

Para tener una idea aproximada del número de clientes potenciales que pasan por el sitio propuesto durante las horas de trabajo de la tienda, el análisis de tráfico tiene como objetivo juzgar los sitios alternativos en términos de tráfico de peatones y vehículos que pasan por un sitio.
  1. Economía del sitio

Alternative sites are evaluated in terms of establishment costs and operational costs under this. Costs of the establishment are the cost incurred for permanent physical facilities. Still, operational costs are incurred for running a business on day to day basis, they are also called as running costs.

Objetivos del análisis de ubicación empresarial

Objetivos de la ubicación del negocio La ubicación de un negocio debe decidirse teniendo en cuenta los siguientes objetivos:
  1. Mantener una inversión y un coste operativo mínimos.

The foremost objective in selecting an ideal location is to ensure minimum investment and lower operational costs. This could be achieved if the business is located in a place where raw materials, labor, transport, and power are easily, regularly, and sufficiently available.
  1. Para garantizar el buen funcionamiento del negocio.

Another objective of the ideal location is to ensure the smooth operation of the business. This could be achieved if the business is located in a place where the servicios de banca, communication, transporte, reparaciones y mantenimiento están disponibles de forma fácil y regular.
  1. Promover el bienestar de los empleados.

Si la empresa está ubicada donde se satisfacen las necesidades educativas, recreativas, médicas y religiosas de los empleados, estos ciertamente se sentirán apegados a la empresa. Desarrollarían lealtad y compromiso con él.
  1. Coordinar con las Políticas Gubernamentales.

El emprendedor, al seleccionar una ubicación, debe asegurarse de que su decisión no entre en conflicto con la política gubernamental de desarrollo regional equilibrado. Factores a considerar al seleccionar una ubicación comercial

Factores a considerar al seleccionar una ubicación comercial

La selección de la ubicación empresarial ideal se guía por cuatro factores principales, a saber:
  1. Naturaleza y tipo de negocio

The nature and type of your business is the single greatest determinant of where the business should be located. Businesses that rely on walk-in customers from the public are the most affected, the main ones being in the service industry. If your business relies heavily on walk-in clients as opposed to businesses that prospect, then location is everything. Getting your location wrong can spell doom for your business. In the restaurant business, for example, there are three “main” rules when setting up. These are “LOCATION, LOCATION, and LOCATION.” This example underscores the importance of a great location for restaurants. A study of McDonald’s reveals this to be true. Senior management at MacDonald’s will tell you that they are burger salespeople, but their business is real estate. Therefore, businesses such as restaurants, supermarkets, liquor stores, Ice cream parlors, and the like must be located in easily accessible areas with high levels of human traffic. In contrast, businesses such as law firms, accountants, software firms, and so forth, which do not rely on high levels of human traffic, can be located in posh offices within office blocks.
  1. Presupuesto

The amount of money you can afford to obtain premises must, of course, come into play. Most first time entrepreneurs will be renting due to budget constraints. Always try and secure premises that provide the best value for your money, considering the nature of business.
  1. Espacio requerido

Certain types of businesses require very large amounts of space. For example, car dealerships and car rentals require a large space to park their vehicles. This may mean looking for an out of cheap town location.
  1. Se necesitan instalaciones especiales

Certain types of businesses require special facilities to carry out their business effectively. For example, IT companies have some very special mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire suppression requirements. Server rooms and computer areas need dedicated cooling units. These must be taken into consideration before settling on a business location. At one point, we may want to determine the tamaño del negocio. This helps in knowing whether it’s growing or not. Also, you ascertain it to plan its various requirements. Si conoce el tamaño de su empresa, entonces podrá determinar su eficiencia. Cualquier empresa es el éter; pequeño, medio o talla grande.