26 cualidades de los emprendedores exitosos

26 cualidades de los emprendedores exitosos
Entrepreneurship is the result of the entrepreneurial quality of entrepreneurs. What makes entrepreneurs successful is still a debate. Experts have listed a long list of qualities relating to general, mental, economic, social and personal trails of entrepreneurs. There are 26 qualities or traits that make a successful entrepreneur; Cualidades o rasgos de un emprendedor exitoso.
Características del tablero Cualidades o rasgos
1. Confianza en uno mismo
  1. Confianza
  2. Independencia
  3. Individualidad
  4. Optimismo
2. Orientado a tareas o resultados
  1. Necesidad de logro
  2. Orientado al lucro
  3. Persistente
  4. Perserverancia
  5. Trabajo duro
  6. Conducir
  7. Energía
  8. Determinación
  9. Iniciativa
3. Tomador de riesgos
  1. Capacidad de asumir riesgos
  2. Como desafíos
4. Liderazgo
  1. Comportamiento de liderazgo
  2. Se lleva bien con los demás
  3. Responsivo a sugerencias y críticas.
5. Originalidad
  1. Innovador
  2. Creativo
  3. Flexible
  4. Ingenioso
  5. Versátil
  6. Conocimiento
6. Orientado al futuro
  1. Previsión
  2. Perceptivo

Auto confianza

  1. Confianza

Entrepreneurship is a new venture creation process. Only a bend less mind can take the initiative to new ventures under uncertainty. This requires a high state of self-confidence that would be the driving force for going into an unforeseen uncertain future with the certainty of success. Self-confidence is a state of mind that includes confidence, independence, individuality, and optimism. Confidence is the reliance on self that one could do something. ‘I can do’ or ‘I shall overcome someday’ like mental makeup. It is a belief on own ability. It is not fiction about self. A critical self-analysis could bring about such confidence.
  1. Independencia

La independencia es el sentido de soberanía que hace que una persona sea capaz de dirigirse a sí misma y tomar decisiones de forma independiente.
  1. Individualidad

La individualidad es un sentido de distinción que identifica a uno mismo por separado. Esto obliga a la persona a hacer algo nuevo, distinto y único que la califique por separado.
  1. Optimismo

El optimismo es el motor de todas las iniciativas. Es el rayo brillante que da energía a las personas para emprender empresas inciertas. El optimismo es el estado de esperanza y aspiración que las personas descansan en sí mismas para caminar en el futuro.

Orientado a tareas o resultados

Every action of a human is goal-directed. The accomplishment of goals gives the satisfaction that reinforces people to act for new goal achievement. The entrepreneurs are tasks or result-oriented persons and direct all their actions toward achieving that desired result only. They will never lose their tracks to achieve the predetermined results. They have hyperactive minds to pursue the goal of disregarding every barrier. This unequivocal attempt to results in or tasks is a primary characteristic for successful entrepreneurs.
  1. Necesidad de logro

The need for achievement is the strong orientation toward accomplishment, an obsession with success and goal attainment. It’s a desire to excel or to succeed in a competitive situation. McClelland (1961) observed that entrepreneurs have got a higher level of need for achievement.
  1. Orientado al lucro

Profit orientation is the commitment to the economic utilization of the resources to ensure a profit. Entrepreneurs take venture for making a material gain. This gain is the profit that drives them to take ventures.
  1. Persistente

Persistente es la cualidad de continuar algo con determinación y a pesar de la dificultad, oposición, discusión o fracaso. Es una mentalidad de negarse a darse por vencido.
  1. Perserverancia

Every entrepreneur has got a bundle mind that does not bow before barriers to achieve the desired target. Perseverance is the continued steady effort to achieve an aim. This unique quality of entrepreneur keeps him/her tied to the path of the goal. Entrepreneurs never detract from their way of action.
  1. Trabajo duro

El trabajo duro es la cualidad de la laboriosidad que muestra una fuerte capacidad física para realizar el trabajo sin letargo. Los emprendedores son personas trabajadoras y enérgicas. Están inmensamente involucrados en el trabajo.
  1. Conducir

El impulso es el estado mental interno que energiza los canales o dirige a una persona hacia la acción y hacia el destino. Los emprendedores tienen un fuerte impulso para la acción y el logro de su objetivo deseado.
  1. Energía

Energy refers to the mental and physical ability to put effort and enthusiasm into an activity. Entrepreneurs have enormous energy to take the toll of diversified and tedious works required for making a new venture successful.
  1. Determinación

La determinación es una cualidad de estar firmemente comprometido a hacer algo. Los emprendedores nunca abandonan el objetivo por ningún motivo. Están decididos a hacerlo tal como está establecido, con considerables esfuerzos y justificación.
  1. Iniciativa

The initiative is the capacity and imagination to do something in a new approach or what needs to be done, together with the courage and willingness to do it, especially without other’s help. Entrepreneurs have that state of an initiative to run their venture into the uncertain future.

Tomador de riesgos

  1. Capacidad de asumir riesgos

Todos los empresarios toman riesgos. Emprenden sus emprendimientos en un entorno incierto del futuro. Todo curso futuro contiene incertidumbre.
  1. Como desafíos

Un emprendedor debe tener una característica para afrontar el desafío de las incertidumbres. Por supuesto, él/ella tiene una mentalidad para separar el riesgo de las incertidumbres y una mentalidad para asumir el riesgo.


El liderazgo es el proceso de influir y dirigir las actividades relacionadas con las tareas de los miembros del grupo. Es el arte de influir en las personas para que se esfuercen voluntariamente por alcanzar las metas del grupo.
  1. Comportamiento de liderazgo

Entrepreneur organizes resources and engages in uncertain ventures that he will transfer into a certain enterprise. Therefore, he must have leadership qualities. It requires leadership behavior, gets along well with others and responsive to suggestions and criticism. Leadership behavior refers to both people and production-centered behavior. It is also concerned with behavioral equity with the people in the organization. Leadership behavior is indeed a continuum of autocratic to democratic to laissez-faire behavior. It is a situation that determines the appropriateness of certain behavior.
  1. Se lleva bien con los demás

Los líderes deberían poder llevarse bien con los demás. Requiere un alto nivel de habilidades en relaciones humanas, una personalidad cordial, mente abierta y sociabilidad.
  1. Responsivo a sugerencias y críticas.

Responder a las sugerencias y críticas es un rasgo de liderazgo esencial de un emprendedor. Debe escuchar, discutir y aceptar las sugerencias y críticas constructivas de los demás. Un líder con una personalidad cerrada no es apto para el emprendimiento.


Entrepreneurs see what others could not see. Therefore, entrepreneurs possess a quality to create things of value out of own effort. Originality is composed of innovativeness, creativeness, flexibility, resourcefulness, knowledge and versatility trails.
  1. Innovador

La innovación es la cualidad de agregar o descubrir nuevas utilidades con el producto, proceso o sistema anterior. Un emprendedor es un innovador.
  1. Creativo

Creativeness is the work of an that is the skillful and imaginative use of something to produce. It is the ability to invent or discover things of absolutely new phenomena. Entrepreneur perceives the use of indigenous means and materials in a new phenomenal direction. His creative faculty makes him uncommon in a lot of commoners.
  1. Flexible

Flexibility is the quality of changing self with new conditions. Entrepreneurs have an open mind and always ready to adopt new things with adaptability or use in the given situation of an economy. They are in the flux of change to extract the maximum benefits out of the existing opportunities and threats in the environment.
  1. Ingenioso

Resourcefulness is the ability to create and use tools and techniques in a useful manner. It is the quality of finding ways of doing things. Entrepreneurs have the basic resource to find the most beneficial ways of doing things with the tools and techniques appropriately designed and created by them for the purpose.
  1. Versátil

Versatility is a desired quality of the entrepreneurs. A person can turn easily; or readily from one subject, skill or occupation to another. The entrepreneurs are the jack-of-all-trades, as they have to handle all necessary functions of the new venture.
  1. Conocimiento

Knowledge is the facts, information, understanding, and skills that a person has acquired through experience or education. The entrepreneurs should have the right education and experience in the area of operation in which they try to develop their ventures. Originality is the only distinguishing characteristic that differentiated entrepreneurs from others in society.

Orientado al futuro

Entrepreneurs are the hunters of fortunes in the future. “Never look back” is the guiding principle for all entrepreneurs. This characteristic consists of two traits- foresightedness and perceptiveness.
  1. Previsión

Foresightedness is the ability to see what one’s future needs are likely to be. that is. to predict things to happen in the future. Entrepreneurs will search into the future environment the opportunities and threats that may be used to their advantage.
  1. Perceptivo

Perceptiveness is the ability to see hear or understand things. It is also the way people look at or interpret something. Entrepreneurs see things differently and find things that others cannot. Therefore, entrepreneurs should be a future-oriented personality who perceives events of success and builds up ventures on it.