Types d'entreprises

Types d'entreprises
Les affaires sont une combinaison d'industrie et de commerce basée sur des fonctions. Industry includes activities involved in the conversion of raw materials into useful products. It processes raw materials or semi-finished goods into finished goods. For example, cotton is converted into cloth in textile industries, sugar is extracted from sugarcane in sugar industries, and automobiles are produced in automobile industries, and so on. These activities are called industrial activities, and the units that undertake these activities are called industrial enterprises. On the other hand, commerce includes all those activities which are necessary for the exchange of goods and services. It refers to various activities that make goods available to consumers for consumption. Trade, transportation, storage, packaging, etc. are all included in commerce. These activities are called commercial activities, and the units that undertake these activities are called commercial enterprises. Les types d'entreprises sont :
  1. L'industrie, et
  2. Commerce.


The industry refers to all business activities, which are connected with raising, producing, and processing of goods and services. They convert raw materials into useful products by the business application or use of human or mechanical power. These products are then sold. Sometimes the term industry is used to represent a group of business enterprises engaged in producing similar products or providing similar service. For example, all units engaged in producing automobiles, whether two-wheelers, three-wheelers, or four-wheelers, together constitute the automobile industry. Similarly, we find the film industry, the l'industrie banquaire, l'industrie des télécommunications et bien d'autres encore.

Types d'industrie

Les industries peuvent être divisées en trois grandes catégories
  1. Industries primaires;
  2. Industries secondaires ; et
  3. Industries Tertiaires.
Apprenons-en davantage sur ces industries.
  1. Industries primaires

Industries engaged in extracting, producing and processing natural resources like minerals, oil, agricultural products, plants, and animals, are called primary industries. These industries use natural resources as their raw material and provide finished goods to consumers. We may further classify these industries into;
  1. Industries d'extraction

These industries are engaged in the extraction of minerals, oil, and natural gas from the earth, fish from the sea, timber from the forest, etc. Mining, forestry, fishing are examples of extractive industries. The distinctive feature of these industries is that they use natural resources, and the materials once extracted or used cannot be replaced.
  1. Industries génétiques

These industries are engaged in rearing and breeding birds and animals and growing plants for sale. Agriculture, dairy farming, poultry farming, pisciculture (breeding fish), horticulture, orchard farming, floriculture (growing flowers) are examples of genetic industries.
  1. Industries secondaires

Secondary industries are those industries that engage in the production or processing of items produced by primary industries. They use the products of primary industries as their raw materials and produce a variety of goods for our use. For example- iron ore is extracted from the earth by primary industries. This is used as raw material by the secondary industries to produce iron and steel for our use. Thus, mining of iron ore is a primary industry, but the manufacturing of iron and steel is a secondary industry. We may further classify secondary industries as;
  1. Industries manufacturières

Les industries engagées dans la conversion de matières premières ou de produits semi-finis en produits finis sont appelées industries manufacturières. Par exemple, le coton est transformé en textile, le bois en meubles, le minerai de fer en acier, la bauxite en aluminium, etc.
  1. Secteurs de la construction

Industries engaged in the erection of buildings, dams, bridges, roadways, railways are called construction industries. They use the products of other industries as their raw materials and construct different types of structures as per the requirements of the consumers.
  1. Industries tertiaires

Les industries fournissant des services aux consommateurs sont appelées industries tertiaires. Ces activités peuvent inclure des services personnels comme les soins médicaux, les soins infirmiers, l'enseignement, etc., ou des services commerciaux comme le transport, bancaireSur la base des fonctions, nous avons classé une entreprise en industrie et commerce, et jusqu'à présent, nous avons discuté de l'industrie et de ses types. Découvrons-en davantage sur le commerce.


You have learned about various types of industries that deal with the production of goods and services. The question arises, why are these goods and services produced? Industries produce goods and services for consumption or use by the consumers. But, how do the consumers get these goods? You know that goods and services are of no use unless these are made available to the persons who can use them. Here comes the role of commerce. Commerce includes all those activities which facilitate the transfer of goods and services from one place to another or from one person to another. It deals with the movement of goods from the person who produces them to the person who consumes them. Commerce is defined as “the total of activities involving the removal of hindrances in the process of exchange of goods and services and facilitates the availability for consumption or use.”

Types de commerce

Les types de commerce sont :
  1. Commerce
  2. Auxiliaires du commerce/Aide au commerce.


Trade means buying and selling of goods and services on a continuous or regular basis. It refers to the exchange of goods and services for cash or on credit. A person who buys goods for selling is known as a trader. The shopkeepers of your locality who buy goods from the producers and other shops for selling are traders. There are many persons engaged in trading activities in different ways. Some traders buy goods in bulk and also sell in bulk. Some sell goods in the local market while others sell in the international market. So, according to the nature of the activities of all these traders, we may classify trade as Home trade and foreign trade. Types of Trade
  1. Commerce à domicile.
  2. Commerce extérieur.

Commerce à domicile

Home Trade refers to buying and selling of goods and services within the boundaries of a country. It is also known as internal trade or domestic trade. Payment for goods and services in home trade is made in the currency of the home country. Thus, goods sold by a trader in Brooklyn to a buyer in New York or the same locality, village, or town are called home trade. Home trade may also be of two types: Wholesale trade and retail trade. Wholesale trade involves the purchase of goods in large quantities from producers for sale to other traders or buyers in smaller quantities. Generally, the wholesale trader deals in a limited variety of goods. The person who does wholesale trading is known as a wholesaler. Retail trade refers to the purchase of goods from the wholesalers or producers for sale to the ultimate consumers in smaller quantities. The retail trader generally has a variety of goods needed by consumers. The person who does retail trading is known as a retailer.

Commerce extérieur

Le commerce extérieur fait référence à l'achat et à la vente de biens ou de services entre des personnes vivant dans des pays différents.. It is also known as External trade or International trade. Payment for goods or services is required to be made in the currency of the seller’s country or the currency acceptable to the seller. Foreign trade may be sub­divided into three categories, viz.
  1. Commerce d'importation.
  2. Commerce d'exportation.
  3. Commerce en entrepôt
When goods or services are purchased from a foreign country for selling in our own country, it is known as import trade. Similarly, when goods and services are sold to a foreign country, it is called export trade. When goods or services are imported into one country to export the same to some other country with or without making any change, it is known as entrepot trade or re­export trade. Such types of trade may be necessary due to the reason that;
  1. le pays exportateur ne dispose d’aucune route commerciale accessible reliant le pays importateur, ou
  2. les marchandises importées nécessitent une transformation ou une finition avant l'exportation pour laquelle les installations font défaut dans les pays exportateurs ou importateurs).

Aides au commerce

You know that commerce includes not only buying and selling of goods and services but also several activities that facilitate the distribution of goods and services. For example, a trader who buys goods from a producer must carry the goods to his shop located in a market. He must hire a cart or truck or some other means of transport. Having carried the goods to his place of business, he must arrange proper storage of the goods to prevent damage or loss. Also, he may have to assurer les marchandises comme moyen de protection contre le risque de perte par vol ou par incendie. He will also require money to buy or store the goods before selling the same. He may have to borrow money from the bank. In the process of buying and selling, he may have to contact many other persons by using the telephone or any other means of communication. Thus, transport, warehousing, assurance, banking, communication, etc., are activities that facilitate the business of a trader. Taken together, these activities are known as auxiliaries or aids to trade. Thus, we can say that activities that support trade are the auxiliaries or aids to trade. The activities or services may farther be enumerated as follows:
  • Transport (Entrave de Lieu),
  • Banque (entrave à la finance).
  • Entreposage (obstacle du temps.
  • Assurance (Entrave au Risque).
  • Promotion(Entrave à la connaissance).
  • Communication(Obstacle à l'information).
En résumé, le commerce repose sur sept piliers : commerce, transport, banque, entrepôt, assurance, promotion et communication. Et ceux-ci sont complémentaires et complémentaires les uns des autres.

Facteurs déterminant les types d’entreprises

Sept éléments principaux influenceront le prix que vous obtiendrez pour votre entreprise. Facteurs déterminant les types d’entreprises
  • Niveau de profit
  • Multiples de bénéfices actuels dans votre secteur
  • État du marché
  • Prime pour l'image de marque
  • Prime pour la désirabilité
  • Les compétences de négociation
  • Taille de l'entreprise.
  1. Niveau de profit

The valuation of a small business can be a complex subject. The market, however, like most things in business, likes to keep it simple. Thus the initial valuation of your business is a multiple of profits. So if your business is making $150,000 profit per year after drawing a market management salary cost and the current multiple is 5 then your business will go up for sale probably around $750,000. Any specific asset, like property, being added to that. A buyer will want to see a lot more detail, track record over the last few years, market potential, etc. If the profit was higher in the last two years, it suggests a declining market. So as an owner from three years before a sale, you want to start manipulating the figures to increase the profitability. This means that major investment, which reduces profit in the short and medium-term, will reduce the market value of the business. A new buyer will also be looking for ways that he or she can grow the business. So anything that suggests the business can be expanded will fetch a premium.
  1. Multiples de bénéfices actuels dans votre secteur

Multiples are set by the market. They vary probably between about 4 and 12 depending on the sector, size of the business, and current market conditions. Then they are adjusted for a specific business, depending on the negotiation of other factors to be taken into consideration.
  1. État du marché

Like every other market, that for buying and selling a business goes up and down. It all depends on how many buyers and sellers there are at any particular time, the state of the general economy, and confidence levels. One can pick an ideal time when one is ready to sell.
  1. Prime pour l'image de marque

A good brand can gain not only a premium but a substantial premium because a brand is expandable easily. Much effort should be spent on establishing a clear brand for your business and one that has more than limited market potential.
  1. Prime pour la désirabilité

Various other factors can make your business more desirable to a buyer. For example, if a national network of employment agencies does not have an operation in your town, it will probably be cheaper to buy your business than to set up their operation. A buyer, whether an individual or a company, can have special skills that, as soon as they buy votre entreprise, améliorez instantanément sa valeur. Ils ont des compétences en gestion. Un expert en marketing peut voir qu’il peut utiliser ses talents pour développer l’entreprise. Un expert en informatique peut y voir une opportunité de le rendre plus efficace et de réduire les coûts d’exploitation. Ils ont tous deux une liste de clients ou une entreprise en synergie avec la vôtre.
  1. Vos compétences en négociation

Like anything traded, negotiating skills will determine the final price. If you are not a good negotiator, employ one. I suggest a well-chosen professional firm would probably increase the final selling price by more than their fee. Not to mention finding someone who you were not aware of.
  1. Taille de l'entreprise

As firms grow, the multiple they attract, mainly due to bigger buyers having bigger pockets and a more competitive market. There is a real incentive, therefore, to merge or acquire as you grow to raise the multiple. In practice, merging two businesses might not now be that easy if they have different cultures. On the other hand, rationalizations in operating processes might allow some cuts and make them more profitable before increasing sales. For most entrepreneurs, their life wealth is their business and thus their pension scheme. Selling means that at least half of it can be put in the portfolio of investments meaning that your risk is greatly reduced.