Planejamento em Gestão: Natureza, Importância, Tipos

Planejamento em Gestão: Natureza, Importância, Tipos
O planejamento é a primeira das funções gerenciais essenciais. O planejamento é importante porque, por natureza, questiona os objetivos organizacionais e envolve a tomada de decisões sobre as formas e meios desejados para atingir os objetivos. Planejamento é o processo pelo qual os gerentes estabelecem metas e definem os métodos pelos quais essas metas serão alcançadas. O planeamento envolve a seleção de missões e objetivos e das ações para alcançá-los; requer tomada de decisão, que consiste em escolher entre cursos de acção futuros alternativos. É, portanto, uma abordagem racional para alcançar objectivos pré-selecionados. O que é Planejamento e sua Natureza, Importância e Tipos Planning is thus taken as the foundation for future activities. Newman has thus defined it as, “Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done; that is a plan is a projected course of action.” So, planning can be thought of as deciding on a future course of action. It may also be treated as a process of thinking before doing it. Management has to plan for long-range and short-range future direction by looking ahead into the future, by estimating and evaluating the future behavior of the relevant environment and by determining the enterprise’s own desired role. Planning involves determining various types and volumes of physical and other resources to be acquired from outside, to allocate these resources in an efficient manner among competing claims and to make arrangements for the systematic conversion of these resources into useful outputs. As it is clear from the above discussion, plans have two basic components: goals and action statements. Metas representam an end state — the targets and results that managers hope to achieve. Action statements represent the means by which an organization goes ahead to attain its goals. Planning is a deliberate and conscious act by means of which managers determine a course of action for pursuing a specific goal. Planning to a manager means thinking about what is to be done, who is going to do it, and how and when he will do it. It also involves thinking about past events (retrospectively) and about future opportunities and impending threats (prospectively). Planning enquirers about organizational strengths and weaknesses and involves decision making about desired ways and means to achieve them. There are, however, differences between decision making and planning. Decisions can be made without planning but planning cannot be done without making decisions.

Natureza do Planejamento

A natureza do planejamento pode ser compreendida examinando seus quatro aspectos principais. Eles são;
  1. É uma contribuição para objetivos,
  2. É primazia entre as tarefas do gestor.
  3. É a difusão e
  4. A eficiência dos planos resultantes.

A contribuição do Planeamento para o Alcance dos Objectivos

Since plans are made to attain goals or objectives, every plan and all its support should contribute to the achievement of the organization’s purpose and objectives. An organized enterprise exists to accomplish group objectives through willing and purposeful co-operation.

Primazia do Planejamento

Que o planejamento é a principal função gerencial é comprovado pelo fato de que todas as outras funções, como organização, recrutamento de pessoal, principal e controlando are designed to support the accomplishment of the enterprise’s objectives. Planning quite logically, therefore, comes first antes de executar todas as outras funções gerenciais as it involves establishing the objectives necessary for all group efforts. Also, all the other managerial functions must be planned if they are to be effective. Likewise, planning and controlling are inextricably bound up. Control without a plan is meaningless because the plan provides the basis or standard of control.

Difusividade do Planejamento

Planning is a unique and universal function of all managers. The character and scope of planning may vary with each manager’s authority and with the nature of the policies and plans outlined by superiors, but all managers must have some function of planning. Because of one’s authority or position in the managerial hierarchy, one may do more or less planning, but some kind or amount of planning a manager must do. According to Weihrich and Koontz; “All managers, from presidents to first-level supervisors – plan.”

A eficiência dos planos

Plans should not only be effective, but also efficient. The effectiveness of a plan relates to the extent to which it accomplishes the objectives. The efficiency of the plan, however, means its contribution to the purpose and objectives, offset by the costs and other factors required to formulate and operate it. Plans are efficient if they achieve their objective at a reasonable cost when such a cost is the measure not only in terms of time, money or production but also in terms of satisfaction of the individual or group. Both conceptual and practical reasons are put forward in support of planning. Two conceptual reasons supporting systematic planning by managers are limited resources and an uncertain environment.

Enfrentando o desafio da escassez de recursos

Resource scarcity is a very important consideration for any organization today. There would be no need for planning if material, financial and human resources were unlimited and cheap. Planners in both private business and public agencies are challenged to stretch their limited resources through intelligent planning. Otherwise, wasteful inefficiencies would give rise to higher prices, severe shortages, and great public dissatisfaction.

Enfrentando a incerteza ambiental

The second most important conceptual reason is that organizations continually face environmental uncertainty in the course of accomplishing the tasks. Organizations meet this challenge largely through planning safeguards. Some organizations do this job better than others partly because of their different patterns of response to environmental factors beyond the organization’s immediate control. Besides, managers have several practical reasons for formulating plans for themselves, their employees, and various organizational units, viz.,
  1. compensar a incerteza e a mudança;
  2. concentrar a atividade organizacional num conjunto de objetivos conscientemente criados;
  3. fornecer um roteiro coordenado e sistemático para atividades futuras;
  4. aumentar a eficiência económica através de uma operação eficiente; e
  5. para facilitar o controle, estabelecendo um padrão para atividades subsequentes.

Planejamento e Desempenho

Although organizations that use formal planning do not always outperform those that do not plan, most studies show positive relationships between planning and performance. Effective planning and implementation play a greater part in high performance than does the amount of planning done. Studies have shown that when formal planning has not led to higher performance, the external environment is often the reason.

O papel das metas e planos no planejamento

Planning is often called the primary management function because it establishes the basis for all other functions. Planning involves two important elements: goals and plans. Goals (often called objectives) are desired outcomes for individuals, groups, or entire organizations.

4 tipos de plano

4 principais tipos de plano;
  1. Planos Hierárquicos: Estes planos são traçados em três grandes níveis hierárquicos, nomeadamente, o núcleo institucional, o gerencial e o técnico. Os planos para estes três níveis são;
    • Plano estratégico.
    • Plano Administrativo ou Intermediário.
    • Os planos operacionais também podem ser categorizados de acordo com a frequência ou repetitividade de uso. Eles são amplamente classificados como;
  2. Planos permanentes: Os planos permanentes são elaborados para cobrir questões que os gestores enfrentam repetidamente. Esse plano permanente pode ser chamado de procedimento operacional padrão (SOP). Geralmente, são utilizados cinco tipos de planos permanentes;
    • Missão ou propósito
    • Estratégia
    • Políticas
    • Regras
    • Procedimentos
  3. Planos de uso único: Os planos de uso único são preparados para situações ou problemas únicos ou únicos e normalmente são descartados ou substituídos após um uso. Geralmente, são usados quatro tipos de planos de uso único. Estes são;
    • Objetivos ou Metas
    • Programas
    • Projetos
    • Orçamentos
  4. Planos de contingência: Os planos de contingência são elaborados para lidar com situações que possam surgir caso essas suposições se revelem erradas. Assim, o planeamento de contingência é o desenvolvimento de cursos de acção alternativos a serem tomados se os eventos perturbarem um curso de acção planeado.