Student Routine: A Day In The Life Of A College Student

Student Routine: A Day In The Life Of A College Student

When I was younger, I kind of hated being a school student. The whole routine of – getting up early, going to school, studying, coming back, and studying again – seemed too overwhelming for me.

And, somewhere in my mind, I thought that getting older and being in a college might do the trick for me. But, unfortunately, it didn’t work out how I always wanted it to be. 

For, my life became even more difficult after getting into college. I had to sleep late, get up early, juggle between classes, and participate in extracurricular activities.

And on top of that, I also had to write my assignment-based essays. Oh, the misery!

But I found a solution after a while. Instead of going through such a mess, I created a routine and stuck to it till the end. Also, I took the help of an assignment writing service to write my essay 4 to manage my time a little better.

What Does A Regular College Student’s Life Look Like?

Before I get into my routine, let me first share a little information about my college life. This way, it’ll be easier for you to relate to the same and understand my mindset.

  1. It All Started With College Classes 
  2. Getting To The Library 
  3. Getting Back To The Dorm

It All Started With College Classes 

My classes usually began quite early in the morning, at 9:00 AM. And it went on for almost six to seven hours every day. Most of them were about discussing a topic or listening to the lecture of my professors. So, there was a little bit of interaction there as well.

Getting To The Library 

My class ended at around 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM every day. And after that, I went to the library to curate my notes properly. It took me around an hour or so to finish up my study. Once I was done, I headed to the extracurricular activity section after a while.

Getting Back To The Dorm

I used to spend around an hour or two in the extracurricular activity section and then headed back home at around 8:00 PM. As there was no strict routine in place, I mostly felt exhausted then. So, I tried to watch Netflix for a while and then went to sleep.

How Did I Plan My Routine?

As I said, it was getting a little difficult for me to go with the aforesaid routine. Therefore, I decided to change it a little, which worked like magic. Here’s how I did it.

Change – 1: Waking Up Early

Although I slept at around 11:00, I couldn’t wake up early for some reason. Hence, I thought about changing that scenario first. I started with sleeping within 10:00 PM and tried to get up at 4:00 AM. And trust me when I say this, it helped me out a lot.

Waking up early meant I could go to the gym at 5:00 AM and spend around an hour or two there. Also, it was much easier for me to create a healthy breakfast for my well-being. This moves on to the next point of…

Change – 2: Making A Healthy Breakfast

The most important part of your morning is, indeed, the breakfast. It’ll keep you filled for a while, improve your energy, and ensure that you’re “in the game” all day long.

When it comes to breakfast, I’ll ask you to go for something that’s high in fiber and very rich in nutrients. This can help in improving your overall concentration and lower your stress.

Change – 3: Exercising Regularly 

Since I made the change, I’ve always tried to exercise regularly. In my opinion, it’s always best to do so in the morning. But, if you don’t have enough time, the afternoon can be ideal too.

Alongside getting a healthy breakfast, exercising daily can also help increase your energy. In addition, it can also instill a sense of a healthy body and mind within you.

Finally, you can also increase your overall concentration level to some extent. This can help you with your study and balance your personal-college life perfectly.

Change – 4: Set Personal Goals

As the saying goes, each day should come with a new challenge for you. And that will only be possible when you set a personal goal or two for yourself daily.

For example, you can aim to do one additional extracurricular activity before coming back to your home. This would help you learn something else while managing your time efficiently

Change – 5: Sleep Adequately 

And I cannot stress this enough. If you’re between the age group of 18-25, you should focus on sleeping for at least seven to eight hours regularly. 

Even if you have an exam tomorrow, I’ll still ask you to get that sweet sleep. Yes, you might be a little “less ready” this way. But it’ll help you concentrate the whole time.

Change – 6: The study Schedule Should Be Consistent

Even if you’re studying for two hours, ensure that you are being consistent. Otherwise, it will be impossible for you to keep up with the pace of studying properly.

If you’re consistent enough, it’ll be easier for you to prioritize subjects properly and make sure that you’re completing everything within time.

In case you aren’t sure about how you can create a study schedule, you may try checking out a video or two. YouTube has loads of them already! 

Adding The Sense Of Maintenance In Your Life!

Being a college student, on paper, is quite an adrenaline rush. The idea of getting to know new people or studying something new in a larger campus is definitely exciting.

However, it can also be quite alluring to go out and party with others or stick to social media all day long. 

Hence, if you don’t want to fall into the trap of all the unnecessities, creating a proper study plan will be ideal for you. Hopefully, this article has helped you out to some extent with it.