13 Types of Team

what are the types of team

There are 13 types of teams, and their functions and objectives are also different. The types of teams are discussed below:

  1. Executive Team,
  2. Command Team,
  3. Project Teams,
  4. Advisory Teams,
  5. Work Teams,
  6. Action Teams,
  7. Sports Teams,
  8. Virtual Teams,
  9. Work Teams,
  10. Self-Managed Team,
  11. Parallel Teams,
  12. Management Teams,
  13. Managed Team.
13 types of teams

Executive Team

An executive team is a management team

An executive team is a management team that draws up plans for activities and then directs these activities.

An example of an executive team would be a construction team designing. blueprints for a new building, and then guiding the construction of the building using these blueprints.

Command Team

The goal of the command team is to combine instructions and coordinate action among management. In other words, command teams serve as the “middle man” in the task.

For instance, messengers on a construction site conveying instructions from the executive team to the builders would be an example Of a command team.

Project Teams

Project Teams team used only for a defined time and for a separate concretely definable purpose. This category of teams includes negotiation, compassion, and design team subtypes.

In general, these teams are multi-talented and composed of individuals with expertise in many different areas. Members of these teams might belong to different groups but receive an assignment to activities for the same project.

Advisory Teams

Advisory teams make suggestions about a final product. For instance, a quality control group on an assembly line would be an example of an advisory team. They would examine the products produced and make suggestions about how to improve the quality of the items being made.

Work Teams

Work teams are responsible for the actual act of creating tangible products and services. The actual workers on an assembly line would be an example of a production team, whereas waiters and waitresses at a diner would be an example of a service team.

Action Teams

Action teams are highly specialized and coordinated teams whose actions are intensely focused on producing a product or service. A football team would be an example of an action team. Other examples occur in the military, paramedics, and transportation (e.g., a flight crew on an airplane).

Sports Teams

A sports team is a group of people who play sports, often team sports together. Members include all players (even those waiting their turn to play) and support members such as a team manager or coach.

Virtual Teams

Developments in information and communications technology have seen a difference in the virtual work team.

A virtual team is a group of people who work interdependently and with a shared purpose across space, time, and organizational boundaries using technology to communicate and collaborate.

Virtual team members can be located across a country or across the world, rarely meet face-to-face, and include members from different cultures.

Work Teams

Work teams (also referred to as production and service teams) are continuing work units responsible for producing goods or providing services for the organization.

Their membership is typically stable, usually full-time, and well-defined. These teams are traditionally directed by a supervisor who mandates what work is done, who does it, and in what manner it is executed.

Self-Managed Team

Self-managed work teams (also referred to as autonomous work groups) allow their members to make a greater contribution at work and constitute a significant competitive advantage for the organization.

These work teams determine how they will accomplish the objectives they are mandated to achieve and decide what route they will take to complete the current assignment.

Self-managed work teams are granted the responsibility of the planning, scheduling, organizing, directing, controlling, and evaluating their own work process.

Parallel Teams

Parallel teams (also referred to as advice and involvement teams) pull together people from different work units or jobs to perform functions that the regular organization is not equipped to perform well.

These teams are given limited authority and can only make recommendations to individuals higher in the organizational hierarchy.

Management Teams

Management teams (also referred to as action and negotiation teams) are responsible for the coordination and direction of a division within an institution or organization during various assigned projects and functional, operational, and/or strategic tasks and initiatives.

Management teams are responsible for the total performance of the division they oversee with regard to day-to-day operations, the delegation of tasks, and the supervision of employees.

Managed Team

Managed groups sometimes also work together as a team on a single, focused objective or task. In such groups, people may come from diverse backgrounds, with each bringing a specialized skill to the team.