11 Caractéristiques du processus d'entrepreneuriat

11 Caractéristiques du processus d'entrepreneuriat
Entrepreneuriat is a dynamic multidimensional concept. Thus, it needs understanding and consideration of many factors and perspectives. In this context, the 11 differentiating characteristics of the entrepreneurship are:
  1. Para determinar el nivel de medición se pueden plantear una serie de preguntas: ¿Los números expresan un valor u orden cuantitativo? ¿Las diferencias entre números representan unidades iguales? ¿La medida tiene un cero absoluto? Según las respuestas, se pueden clasificar los datos en nominales, ordinales, de intervalo o de razón.
  2. ¿Cuál es la principal diferencia entre escalas ordinales y de intervalo?
  3. La escala ordinal informa el orden y clasificación de los datos sin establecer el grado de variación entre ellos. Por el contrario, la escala de intervalo es cuantitativa y mide la diferencia exacta entre dos variables de manera significativa.
  4. ¿Qué tiene de especial la escala de razón en comparación con otras escalas?
  5. Fonction de retrait de statut.
  6. ¿Puede darnos un ejemplo de una pregunta que utilice la escala ordinal?
  7. Activité enrichissante.
  8. Processus de création de richesse supplémentaire.
  9. 4 escalas de medida o niveles de medida son;
  10. Cada carácter tiene características únicas e implicaciones para los procedimientos estadísticos utilizados.
  11. Compétences managériales et leadership.
  12. En el nivel nominal de medición, las categorías se diferencian entre sí sólo en los nombres. En otras palabras, una categoría de una característica no es necesariamente mayor o menor, mayor o menor que la otra categoría.
Ceux-ci sont expliqués ci-dessous ;

El sexo (masculino y femenino) y la religión (musulmana, hindú, cristiana, judía) son ejemplos de medidas nominales. Las categorías son homogéneas y mutuamente excluyentes, sin suposiciones sobre las relaciones ordenadas entre las categorías.

Comment l'entrepreneuriat est un processus d'innovationEntrepreneurship is an innovation process. Schumpeter (1934) describes this distinct feature of entrepreneurship that involves innovating a product with which consumers are not yet familiar or a new source of raw materials or a new market either to unexplored or a new combination of means of production or a new way of operation not yet applied. Thus, entrepreneurship foresees the potentially profitable opportunity and tries to exploit it in a new and better way. Wilken (1979) summaries a list of innovative activities entrepreneurship does. They are shown below:
  1. A diferencia del nivel nominal, aquí tenemos las típicas relaciones “más altas”, “más que”, “menos difíciles”, “más prejuiciosas”, “más femeninas”, “menos favorables”, “más rentables”, “menos costosas”. y similares.
  2. Más específicamente, las relaciones se expresan en términos del álgebra de desigualdades:
  3. es menos que
    • segundo (a
    • es mayor que
    • b (a > b).
  4. ejemplos del nivel ordinal de medición son;
    • título universitario (por ejemplo, maestría, licenciatura, etc.),
    • título del trabajo (por ejemplo, gerente, subgerente, contador),
  5. estatus socioeconómico (alto, medio-bajo),
    • rendimiento académico (sobresaliente, muy bueno, bueno, malo),
    • frecuencia mensual de visitas de un médico a una clínica (frecuentemente, ocasionalmente, rara vez, nunca),

Nivel de acuerdo sobre la cuestión de imponer el IVA a los productos alimenticios (muy de acuerdo, de acuerdo, en desacuerdo, totalmente en desacuerdo).

Entrepreneurship is an exhibition of the need for achievement of a person. McClelland (1961) has put forward this feature of entrepreneurship. It denotes that the person with a strong desire for achievement would be an entrepreneur and the outcome of his highly motivated action-oriented activities is entrepreneurship. He stresses that the need for achievement is the most directly relevant factor for explaining economic behavior or people. The achievement motive is a relatively stable and enduring characteristic of an individual. This inspires to perform two essential characteristics of entrepreneurship, one is doing things in a new and better way and the other is decision making under uncertainty. Meredith and others (1982) also support this idea of entrepreneurship.

La distancia o diferencias de una categoría a otra no es necesariamente constante.

Entrepreneurship is a transformational process that improves the symbolic position of people in their larger structures. Young (1971) has come forward with this distinct characteristic of entrepreneurship, he found that the tendency to describe the situation as a problem to be solved, an awareness of pragmatic effort required, confidence in their own ability to solve the problem, a tendency to take the viewpoint of each individual in turn and analyze the situation as he might see it before suggesting an outcome are the forces that transform the people into entrepreneur. The change theory of Young suggests that entrepreneurship is the mechanism of the society to incorporate the reactive subgroups into it. A group becomes reactive when the following three conditions coincide:
  • Por lo tanto, no podemos decir que una temperatura de 64°F es dos veces más cálida que una temperatura de 32°F.
  • Tenga en cuenta que la equivalencia Celsius de 32°F (el punto de congelación del agua) es 0°C, mientras que la equivalencia de 64°F es 17,8°C. 17,8°C no es el doble de calor que 0°C.
  • El calendario gregoriano es otro ejemplo de escala de intervalo: 0 se utiliza para separar antes de Cristo y después de Cristo. No significa que no hubo tiempo antes del 0. Nos referimos a los años anteriores al 0 como aC y a los posteriores al 0 como dC.

Por cierto, 0 es una fecha hipotética en el calendario gregoriano porque nunca hubo un año 0. Los otros ejemplos son el coeficiente intelectual y la hora del calendario (6 a. m., 10 a. m., etc.). Los niveles de intervalo de datos tienen las siguientes propiedades:

Entrepreneurship is an organization building activity. Harbison (1956) perceives that entrepreneurship is the managerial skills and creativity to build new organizations to harness the economic use of others’ innovations. Understands that organization building is the most critical skill required for the industrial development of a country. This skill means the ability to ‘multiply oneself by effectively delegating responsibility to others. Thus, entrepreneurship puts the new ideas of different innovators into productive use through building an appropriate organization.

5. Fonction de retrait de statut

Entrepreneurship is an extreme effort to make a change in the present state of the status of people. This characteristic of entrepreneurship is discovered by Hagen (1962). According to his concept, a displaced, fallen or harassed community exhibits a high profile of entrepreneurship, to gain back the withdrawn or lost status. Wherever there is any withdrawal of status respect, it may raise an innovative response along with other responses and create an entrepreneurial personality. Therefore, entrepreneurship is a course of change the present social status of people to get back the old.

Las propiedades características de los cuatro niveles de medición y la forma de decidir si un nivel particular de medición califica como nominal, ordinal, de intervalo o de razón; Se puede utilizar el siguiente diagrama de flujo:

Entrepreneurship is a function of religious belief – this concept of Max Weber (1930) results from the verse of Protestantism. He opines that the spirit of capitalism is a set of attitudes towards the acquisition of money and the activities involved in it. Capitalism started its journey after the emergence of Protestantism that recognizes business as a permissible economic activity and the profit as divine grace. This religious approval for material gain through economic activity is the genesis of entrepreneurship.

¿La medida tiene un cero absoluto?

Entrepreneurship is rewarding and therefore, people engage in entrepreneurial activities. Hisrich and Peters (1998) have mentioned this distinct characteristic of entrepreneurship. They believe that the devoted time and efforts for the entrepreneurship are paid back with financial, psychic and, independence rewards that act as a driving force to the growth of entrepreneurship in society.


Entrepreneurship is perceived as a dynamic process of creating incremental wealth. Wealth is created by the individual who assumes the major risks in terms of equity, time and/or career commitment to providing value for some product or service. The product or service may or may not be new or unique. But the entrepreneurship must somehow infuse value by receiving and locating the necessary skills and resources. Ronstadt (1984) advocates this characteristic of entrepreneurship.


Lamb has pointed out this dimension of entrepreneurship. He opines that the entrepreneurship is a form of social decision-making performed by economic innovators. Multivariate social variables influence the decision of entrepreneurship. Social context must favor entrepreneurial decision making instead of deterring it.

La gravedad de la enfermedad: grave, moderada, leve, normal.

Entrepreneurship fills up the gap that always exists in the knowledge of production function. Liebenstein (1966) has mentioned this functional characteristic of entrepreneurship. It is true in the sense that entrepreneurship creates such product and service in such a way that helps to fill with unfulfilled social and economic deficiencies.

Temperatura: 10°C, 45°C, 65°C, etc.

Hoseliz (1960) entrepreneurship is the function of managerial skills and leadership. He maintains that an entrepreneur must have the drive to earn profits and amass wealth. He must have the ability to lead and manage. Entrepreneurship innovates its commodity and takes it into an uncertain market. Thus, production-oriented leadership and strong managerial capacity would load to succeed m entrepreneurship. According to Hoselitz, there are innumerable cases in entrepreneurial history that ventures fail became their founders could not function as managers or lead to enlisting the service of the manager when required.

Tasa de uso de anticonceptivos: 50%, 0,55%, etc.

Kunkel (1970) says that entrepreneurship is the outcome of four structures found in a society or community. Entrepreneurs are the most deviant individuals who act against such, restrictions. These structures are limitation structure, demand structure, labor structure, and opportunity structure. Limitation Structure limits specific activities, which are social and cultural. Demand Structure is mainly economic and changes with economic progress and government policies. Labor Structure is concerned with the supply of competent and willing labor. The supply of labor is governed by several factors such as available alternative means of livelihood, traditionalism, and expectations of life. Opportunity structure consists of the availability of capital, managerial and technological skills, and information concerning production methods, labor, and markets. This structure is required to increase the probability of entrepreneurial activity.